Boot-set res5 0 PCB config=1, PCB ckeck=0 DRAM Channel A Calibration. DRAM A Size = 1024 Mbytes. DRAM Channel B Calibration. DRAM B Size = 1024 Mbytes. DRAM Channel C Calibration. DRAM C Size = 512 Mbytes. Boot Start Pmain 0x0000a000 0x0000a000 EMMC boot CID:0x521f442f :0x520780ac :0x4a4e4234 :0x15010041 LZHS addr:0x00100040 LZHS size:0x000e6b80 LZHS checksum:0x00000062 LZHS size:0x000e6b80 store RSA & AES keys in DMX SRAM LZHS begin Boot Start Lmain MT5891 Boot Loader v0.9 [Check Recovery mode KEY]======================================== Boot reason: A/C power on!![Check Recovery mode KEY]PDWNC_ReadWakeupReason: 6 [Check Recovery mode KEY]PDWNC_ReadWakeupReason: 6 [Check Recovery mode KEY]PDWNC_ReadServoADCChannelValue: 1023 [Check Recovery mode KEY]PDWNC_ReadServoADCChannelValue: 3ff [Check Recovery mode KEY]======================================== [Check Recovery mode KEY]It is LEFTRIGHTPOWER or no pressing from LKB [MSDC] ext_csd is empty get_mmcsize emmc_size2 0x00000000 00000000 [MSDC] ext_csd is empty get_mmcsize emmc_size2 0x00000000 00000000 [MSDC] ext_csd is empty get_mmcsize emmc_size2 0x00000000 00000000 [MSDC] ext_csd is empty get_mmcsize emmc_size2 0x00000000 00000000 [MSDC] LOADER FAST READ EMMC! ==Loader emmc pinmux set result 0x1000a0, arbitor 0x20 Init config, cid = 0x15010041, dsc=0x521f442f,rca=0x520780ac,ocr=0x4a4e4234 [MSDC] 15010041:4a4e4234:520780ac:521f442f [MSDC] id1:00414a4e id2:42345207 [MSDC] eMMC Name: UNKNOWN ---Set FIFO path and Init--- [MSDC] Set Bus Clock as HS25(MHz) Success!,src 3 ,mode 0, div 4 Use NEW AutoK idea ,ignore the old ett param [MSDC] Set pad driving as 1 ! [eMMC2DRAM]enter into SDR50 Mode, max dtr 200000000 [MSDC] Set Bus Clock as HS0(MHz) Success!,src 0 ,mode 0, div 16 Use NEW AutoK idea ,ignore the old ett param [MSDC] Set pad driving as 0 ! [MSDC] Set Bus Clock as HS50(MHz) Success!,src 3 ,mode 0, div 2 Use NEW AutoK idea ,ignore the old ett param [MSDC] Set pad driving as 1 ! --------Check run autok----------- get_mmcsize emmc_size2 0x00000003 a3e00000 Saved info: id1 = 0x442f5207, id2=0x80ac4a4e,flag 0xaabbccdd,speedmode 5, dlycell 70 Support HS400, card type ext_csd[196]0x57 Support HS200, card type ext_csd[196]0x57 u4mask = 0x3 ID: 0x15010041, 0x4a4e4234, 0x520780ac, 0x521f442f Cur info: id1 = 0x442f5207, id2=0x80ac4a4e,flag 0xaabbccdd,speedmode 5, dlycell 70 -----The information is match, Alrady run autok before, ignore this time-- Load Param: K_IOCON: 0x200000a K_PAD_TUNE0: 0x222000 K_PAD_TUNE1: 0x0 K_PATCH_BIT0: 0x403c0007 K_PATCH_BIT1: 0xfffe00c9 K_PATCH_BIT2: 0x84821803 K_EMMC50_CFG0: 0x2e889f2 K_DAT_RD_DLY0: 0x1030304 K_DAT_RD_DLY1: 0x4030304 K_DAT_RD_DLY2: 0x0 K_DAT_RD_DLY3: 0x0 K_EMMC50_PAD_DS_TUNE: 0x1201d K_EMMC50_PAD_CMD_TUNE: 0x0 K_EMMC50_PAD_DAT01_TUNE: 0x0 K_EMMC50_PAD_DAT23_TUNE: 0x0 K_EMMC50_PAD_DAT45_TUNE: 0x0 K_EMMC50_PAD_DAT67_TUNE: 0x0 ---Set FIFO path and Init--- [MSDC] Clock frequency = 900 MHz, Clock period = 1111 ps, 1 delay cell = 15 ps [MSDC] TCMGET_DLYCELL_PERT = 70 =========================================== [QHB flag] rDtvCfg.u1Flags4 =0 [HB flag] rDtvCfg.u1Flags2 =0 [QHB flag] prLdrData->rDtvCfg.u1Flags4 = 0 [HB flag] prLdrData->rDtvCfg.u1Flags2 = 0 =========================================== LOADER_MtkEnvInitFunc record PDWNC_ReadWakeupReason to EEP_OFFSET_DRIVER_WAKEUP_REASON LOADER_MtkEnvInitFunc: PDWNC_ReadWakeupReason = 6 [2K17_gpio] AC, set EEPROM_TPV_ENABLE_QHB_ADDRESS to 0 [QHB] Previous system state is on, not enter QHB. [QHB] u1EmmcFirstBoot = 0x1 [QHB] It is not EmmcFirstBoot, do no cation with QHB. LOADER_MtkEnvInitFunc: ui1_wakeup_reason = 0 LOADER_MtkEnvInitFunc: no need to clear EEPROM_ADDRESS_OFFSET_WAKE_UP_REASON read from eeprom ioff 0 phy_off 3360 ************pu1DrvLoadHdmi14Edid u1Index1= 0 ************pu1DrvLoadHdmi20Edid u1Index1= 0 _LOADER_ResetWiFi_1st Support network!1st MAC in EEP is valid (70:af:24:11:56:82) 1st : (70:af:24:11:56:82) 2nd : (70:af:24:11:56:82) Remove Quiet Boot misc control in eeprom when Watchdog reason. IR DATA register : 0x 0 T8032 init A/C on case loader stage... Load T8032 FW (addr: 0x d63e20, size: 24622)success!! T8032 FW version: 6 T8032 change to loader stage... header check ok digest check ok read done ConsoleLock_to_T8032 (0x0) LDR_FlashCopy 0xf010 0x63900 0x80 =========================================== [QHB flag] rDtvCfg.u1Flags4 =0 [HB flag] rDtvCfg.u1Flags2 =0 [QHB flag] prLdrData->rDtvCfg.u1Flags4 = 0 [HB flag] prLdrData->rDtvCfg.u1Flags2 = 0 =========================================== header check ok digest check ok read done writer done header check ok digest check ok read done writer done header check ok digest check ok read done ConsoleLock_to_T8032 (0x0) [UPG upgrade ~ PDWNC_WAKE_UP_REASON_AC_POWER] u1SlicneUpgradeStatus = 0 Org:0x30 Flags:0x30 Before u1EmmcFirstBoot = 0x1 Do not need to configure boot flag After EmmcFirstBoot Org:0x30 Flags:0x30 After u1EmmcFirstBoot = 0x1PDWNC_Init normal cold boot ui1_silent_reboot = 0 After check ui1_silent_reboot, [QHB]u1Flags4: org=0, flag4=0 efrcpowerGpio=256 [Silent upgrade check][GPIO_MtkPowerOnFunc 1322] SILENT_UPGRADE_STATUS_ADDRESS = 0 keep FRC power rDtvCfg.u1Flags4 = 0, PDWNC_ReadWakeupReason() = 6 After FRC power, [QHB]u1Flags4: org=0, flag4=0 eResetfrcGpio=51USB0: Set GPIO42 = 1. USB1: Set GPIO43 = 1. USB2: Set GPIO44 = 1. USB3: Set GPIO210 = 1. Normal Boot (Not Quiet Boot) Display 0x00de762c background:0x00000000 |||||||u1FRC = au1Index 2; Hardcode panel id 3 for EU3 with NT333... [opcode::UHD=2,HDR=1,FRC=2,BACKENDPQ=0,FLIP/MIRROR=0,Channel decode 3,Frequency=0,DNM=1,IsMjcSup=27, Panel id =1,opcode end&&&&&&] [Dynamic PNL] Find VideoModeAttribute[27]: PNL_Index=0x60003 [DisplayInit]EU=0x39, US=0x0 [DisplayInit]CountryDefault=0x39 [SA7] vDDDSInit [DisplayInit] ##1 SV_DCLK_50HZ |||||||u1FRC = au1Index 2; [LVDS]vDrvApplyPanelTiming..... vDrvResetVOPLLFlowFlag ###VbyOne VOPLLInit finsih###vDrvSetOCLKClockSchemaInit. ###VbyOne VOPLLSet finsih###[SA7] _fgVopllUseDDDS = True @vDrvSetVOPLLClockSchema -->normal [LVDS] VOPLL Initialize successful ! vApiPanelPowerSequence= TRUE (START)VB1 VB1 impedance cal pass and value =4 ................. VB1 VB1 impedance cal set to default terminaion 8......................... [VB1][LOCKN] 0x709c set to FUNCTION2 [VB1][HTPDN] 0x7097 set to FUNCTION2 [VB1][SetPadOn] DUAL_PORT [VB1][SetPadOn] GM_LANE_4 [VB1][SetPadOn] u1LaneCnt=2, u1GraphLaneCnt=12 LVDSA_EXT_EN: B11 B10 B9 B8 B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 LADSA_pad: ECK(L9) E4(L11) E3(L10) E2(L8) E1(L7) E0(L6) OCK(L3) O4(L5) O3(L4) O2(L2) O1(L1) O0(L0) u2PadOn=0x1, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=8 au4PadRemapTbl[0]= 0 u2PadOn[0]=0x1 u2PadOn=0x3, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=9 au4PadRemapTbl[1]= 1 u2PadOn[1]=0x3 u2PadOn=0x7, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=10 au4PadRemapTbl[2]= 2 u2PadOn[2]=0x7 u2PadOn=0x27, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=11 au4PadRemapTbl[3]= 5 u2PadOn[3]=0x27 u2PadOn=0x2f, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=0 au4PadRemapTbl[4]= 3 u2PadOn[4]=0x2f u2PadOn=0x3f, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=1 au4PadRemapTbl[5]= 4 u2PadOn[5]=0x3f u2PadOn=0x3f, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=2 au4PadRemapTbl[6]= 6 u2PadOn[6]=0x3f u2PadOn=0x3f, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=3 au4PadRemapTbl[7]= 7 u2PadOn[7]=0x3f u2PadOn=0x3f, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=4 au4PadRemapTbl[8]= 8 u2PadOn[8]=0x3f u2PadOn=0x3f, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=5 au4PadRemapTbl[9]= 11 u2PadOn[9]=0x3f u2PadOn=0x3f, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=6 au4PadRemapTbl[10]= 9 u2PadOn[10]=0x3f u2PadOn=0x3f, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=7 au4PadRemapTbl[11]= 10 u2PadOn[11]=0x3f [VB1][SetPadOn] LVDSA_EXT_EN=0x3f [LVDS][backlight] DeltaTime=0 us-->no need to enable BL_DLYTIME_CUT!! LDR_isRecoveryMode function call start LDR_OsdDisplay(14, 0x361ef000, 180, 228) [OSD]Before PQ Module offset:i4H=521 i4V=4 [OSD]DBG XvYCC bypass [OSD]DBG Gamma position 0 or 1 [OSD]After PQ Module offset:i4H=378 i4V=4 display_id = 27 No need more logo delay time for logo showing u4UpgUpgrading = 0 Do USB upgrade u1USBBlock = 0x017d03c0 USB: Vbus turn up time = 1340 ms, Max =0 ms. No USB device. /dev is created. /mnt is already existed. That is OK. /dev/msdc is created. /mnt/msdc_0 is created. ERR: mount /dev/msdc_0 as /mnt/msdc_0 fail. return value:-25 Error: SD mount fail, USB upgrade stop [ACD Loader] 12V status = 1,continue booting.recovery_opcode before_ui1_raw_data_1[0]_2[0]_3[0]= 0xea 0xea 0xea before_ui1_raw_data_1[1]_2[1]_3[1]= 0x44 0x44 0x44 before_ui1_raw_data_1[2]_2[2]_3[2]= 0x21 0x21 0x21 before_ui1_raw_data_1[3]_2[3]_3[3]= 0x40 0x40 0x40 before_ui1_raw_data_1[4]_2[4]_3[4]= 0x03 0x03 0x03 before_ui1_raw_data_1[5]_2[5]_3[5]= 0x20 0x20 0x20 before_ui1_raw_data_1[6]_2[6]_3[6]= 0x00 0x00 0x00 before_ui1_raw_data_1[7]_2[7]_3[7]= 0x40 0x40 0x40 before_ui1_raw_data_1[8]_2[8]_3[8]= 0x02 0x02 0x02 before_ui1_raw_data_1[9]_2[9]_3[9]= 0xc0 0xc0 0xc0 before_ui1_raw_data_1[10]_2[10]_3[10]= 0xf4 0xf4 0xf4 before_ui1_raw_data_1[11]_2[11]_3[11]= 0xf6 0xf6 0xf6 before_ui1_raw_data_1[12]_2[12]_3[12]= 0x0d 0x0d 0x0d before_ui1_raw_data_1[13]_2[13]_3[13]= 0x26 0x26 0x26 before_ui1_raw_data_1[14]_2[14]_3[14]= 0x1b 0x1b 0x1b before_ui1_raw_data_1[15]_2[15]_3[15]= 0x10 0x10 0x10 before_ui1_raw_data_1[16]_2[16]_3[16]= 0x80 0x80 0x80 before_ui1_raw_data_1[17]_2[17]_3[17]= 0x01 0x01 0x01recovery_opcode(3) recovery_opcode(4) after_ui1_raw_data_1[0]_2[0]_3[0]=0xea 0xea 0xea after_ui1_raw_data_1[1]_2[1]_3[1]=0x44 0x44 0x44 after_ui1_raw_data_1[2]_2[2]_3[2]=0x21 0x21 0x21 after_ui1_raw_data_1[3]_2[3]_3[3]=0x40 0x40 0x40 after_ui1_raw_data_1[4]_2[4]_3[4]=0x03 0x03 0x03 after_ui1_raw_data_1[5]_2[5]_3[5]=0x20 0x20 0x20 after_ui1_raw_data_1[6]_2[6]_3[6]=0x00 0x00 0x00 after_ui1_raw_data_1[7]_2[7]_3[7]=0x40 0x40 0x40 after_ui1_raw_data_1[8]_2[8]_3[8]=0x02 0x02 0x02 after_ui1_raw_data_1[9]_2[9]_3[9]=0xc0 0xc0 0xc0 after_ui1_raw_data_1[10]_2[10]_3[10]=0xf4 0xf4 0xf4 after_ui1_raw_data_1[11]_2[11]_3[11]=0xf6 0xf6 0xf6 after_ui1_raw_data_1[12]_2[12]_3[12]=0x0d 0x0d 0x0d after_ui1_raw_data_1[13]_2[13]_3[13]=0x26 0x26 0x26 after_ui1_raw_data_1[14]_2[14]_3[14]=0x1b 0x1b 0x1b after_ui1_raw_data_1[15]_2[15]_3[15]=0x10 0x10 0x10 after_ui1_raw_data_1[16]_2[16]_3[16]=0x80 0x80 0x80 after_ui1_raw_data_1[17]_2[17]_3[17]=0x01 0x01 0x01[UPG upgrade ~ PDWNC_WAKE_UP_REASON_AC_POWER] u1SlicneUpgradeStatus = 0 Org:0x30 Flags:0x30 Before u1EmmcFirstBoot = 0x1 Do not need to configure boot flag After EmmcFirstBoot Org:0x30 Flags:0x30 After u1EmmcFirstBoot = 0x1LDR_PostInit _LOADER_ResetWiFi_2nd Flash load lzhs header from 0x80000 to dram(0x180b210), size=2048 Decompression uboot to 0x01000000... Flash load image from 0x80000 to dram(0x180b210), size=0x43467 TRUSTZONE_IN_CHB TCMGET_CHANNELA_SIZE 1024M, TCMGET_CHANNELB_SIZE() 1024M u4TzLzhsDstDram 0x7d005000 Flash load tz from 0x0(part_21) to dram(0x100000), size=0xb4b0f LZHS start LZHS done TZ LZHS decode suc! src=0x100010,dst=0x7d005000,psize=0x180000,lsize=0xb4b0f,chk=0x97 LZHS start LZHS done Starting image... U-Boot 2011.12 (Aug 31 2018 - 15:16:26) DRAM: 1.5 GiB u4DramSize: 0x800 WARNING: Caches not enabled MMC: Set max clk to 50MHZ in default Uboot max clock 52000000 [MSDC] aes init success! HOST 1 [MSDC] Set DMA Mode! [MSDC] 15010041:4A4E4234:520780AC:521F442F [MSDC] id1:00414A4E id2:42345207 [MSDC] eMMC Name: UNKNOWN card type = 87 [emmc]bus timing switch to HS uboot bus timing 1 uboot set speed mode to 1 UBOOT Use NEW AutoK idea [emmc]bus width switch to 8(SDR) uboot bus width 2 [MSDC] uboot set clock: 0, ch 1 [MSDC] uboot id 10: src 0: mode 0 div 16 driving 0 [MSDC] (SDR)Set Bus Clock as 0(MHz) Success! MT5891 uboot Set driving[ch 1] [MSDC] uboot set clock: 25, ch 1 [MSDC] uboot id 8: src 3: mode 0 div 4 driving 1 [MSDC] (SDR)Set Bus Clock as 25(MHz) Success! MT5891 uboot Set driving[ch 1] [emmc]bus clock switch to 50000000 [MSDC] uboot set clock: 0, ch 1 [MSDC] uboot id 10: src 0: mode 0 div 16 driving 0 [MSDC] (SDR)Set Bus Clock as 0(MHz) Success! MT5891 uboot Set driving[ch 1] [MSDC] uboot set clock: 50, ch 1 [MSDC] uboot id 6: src 3: mode 0 div 2 driving 1 [MSDC] (SDR)Set Bus Clock as 50(MHz) Success! MT5891 uboot Set driving[ch 1] ---Uboot Set FIFO path and Init--- Uboot Apply Param: SpeedMode: 0xf252fe4f K_IOCON: 0x200000a K_PAD_TUNE0: 0x222000 K_PAD_TUNE1: 0x0 K_PATCH_BIT0: 0x403c0007 K_PATCH_BIT1: 0xfffe00c9 K_PATCH_BIT2: 0x84821803 K_EMMC50_CFG0: 0x2e889f2 K_DAT_RD_DLY0: 0x1030304 K_DAT_RD_DLY1: 0x4030304 K_DAT_RD_DLY2: 0x0 K_DAT_RD_DLY3: 0x0 K_EMMC50_PAD_DS_TUNE: 0x1201d K_EMMC50_PAD_CMD_TUNE: 0x0 K_EMMC50_PAD_DAT01_TUNE: 0x0 K_EMMC50_PAD_DAT23_TUNE: 0x0 K_EMMC50_PAD_DAT45_TUNE: 0x0 K_EMMC50_PAD_DAT67_TUNE: 0x0 : 0 before Writing to MMC offset = 0x3900000 msdcgpiomsdcgpio=76,-1,-1,176,-1,-1, ...=====MSDC Add Autok Param=====... [0] = 0x200000a [1] = 0x222000 [2] = 0x0 [3] = 0x403c0007 [4] = 0xfffe00c9 [5] = 0x84821803 [6] = 0x2e889f2 [7] = 0x1030304 [8] = 0x4030304 [9] = 0x0 [10] = 0x0 [11] = 0x1201d [12] = 0x0 [13] = 0x0 [14] = 0x0 [15] = 0x0 [16] = 0x0 msdcautok=0x200000a,0x222000,0x0,0x403c0007,0xfffe00c9,0x84821803,0x2e889f2,0x1030304,0x4030304,0x0,0x0,0x1201d,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0 [ZJ Uboot] MSDC_EEPROM_Read API Capacity: 15634268160 get_mmcsize emmc_size3 0x00000003 a3e00000 Read ok [crash count] the 0x46c is 0xd [crash count] OPW7-07 0 [crash count] enable = 1 (func: BIM_IsRecoveryMode) [ZJ Uboot] MSDC_EEPROM_Read API Read ok [crash count] u4Crashcount_bit = 0 (BIM_increaseCrashCounter) Boot reason: A/C power on!! [crash count] WakeupReason is PDWNC_WAKE_UP_REASON_AC_POWER, Not accumulate counter [crash count] count = 0 (MAX = 40) (func: BIM_IsRecoveryMode) [crash count] Crash counter has not exceed the MAX, boot base on misc pmisc_msg: [ZJ Uboot] MSDC_EEPROM_Read API Read ok enter normal mode! pmisc_msg: [ZJ Uboot] MSDC_EEPROM_Read API Read ok enter normal mode! [ZJ Uboot] MSDC_EEPROM_Read API Read ok ########################### val==0 [ZJ Uboot] MSDC_EEPROM_Read API Read ok FRC Type:0x44. In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Net: init MMAC driver ethernet internal PHY init successful! priv : 0x00efb368 Mmac::PhyAddr=0 Mmac::initialize Net Initialization Skipped l%[07][01]l%[07][01]p),1M(cip¯$[11]V‚1M(dvb pmisc_msg: [ZJ Uboot] MSDC_EEPROM_Read API Read ok [crash count] the 0x46c is 0xd [crash count] OPW7-07 0 [crash count] enable = 1 (func: BIM_IsRecoveryMode) [ZJ Uboot] MSDC_EEPROM_Read API Read ok [crash count] u4Crashcount_bit = 0 (BIM_increaseCrashCounter) Boot reason: A/C power on!! [crash count] WakeupReason is PDWNC_WAKE_UP_REASON_AC_POWER, Not accumulate counter [crash count] count = 0 (MAX = 40) (func: BIM_IsRecoveryMode) [crash count] Crash counter has not exceed the MAX, boot base on misc pmisc_msg: [ZJ Uboot] MSDC_EEPROM_Read API Read ok enter normal mode! ### main_loop: bootcmd="eboot boot" Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 MINIGZIP: kernel: signature verification is OK ## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 00008000 ... XIP Kernel Image ... OK OK Starting kernel ... welcome to lk/MP boot args 0x0 0x1703 0x100 0x8040 HKDF-SHA256 Verification: PASS TZ dram: start=0x7D000000, end=0x80000000 initializing trusty (Built: 20:57:53 Aug 13 2018) Initializing Trusted OS SMC handler Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel. (acfg_custom_factory_update,1684) z_size=2 ***************************** add for rs232 default value ***************************** [SCC] x_scc_aud_set_output_port:( h_aud = 0x01012619 e_port = 16 b_is_active = TRUE ) {MHEG5 SCT} sct_set_sbtl_cfg_info: b_old_sbtl_status = 0, pt_cfg->b_on = 1 {MHEG5 SCT} sct_set_sbtl_cfg_info: notify to engine sbtl setting changed. [SCC] x_scc_aud_set_output_port:( h_aud = 0x01012619 e_port = 32 b_is_active = TRUE ) [SCC] x_scc_aud_set_output_port:( h_aud = 0x0103261A e_port = 16 b_is_active = TRUE ) a_nav_updater_register do not initial view handler [INFO] nav_sigma_autoboot_register_hdlr ... nav_custom_register_components, 2879 Exit[SCC] x_scc_aud_set_output_port:( h_aud = 0x0103261A e_port = 32 b_is_active = TRUE ) [_cfg_custom_speakers_update] Audio Out Port mask normal,no change. [INFO] _nav_sigma_autoboot_init ... [SCC] x_scc_aud_set_output_port_ex:( h_aud = 0x0101260A ui4_enable_mask = ffff [_cfg_custom_speakers_update]295,audio out 1, update the aud_out_mask 0xffff. http init module [_TunerGet:363] fail, eResult = -264 _nav_rec_dev_mgr_update_storage_status 719 e_nfy_id 0 RecordMgrSupportDualTuner b_support 0 RecordPvrDtvRegister 1249 RecordMgrRegisterFactoryFunc 264 type 0 {NAV REC} enter :RecordPvrBase.c:829 0x101259d {NAV REC} RecordPvrCreateObj Create a object OK RecordMgrAllocRecordInstance 201 i 0 RecordMgrAllocRecordInstance 205 RecordMgrAllocRecord OK RecordMgrAllocRecordInstance 217 handle is 0x0101259d RecordPvrControllerInit 570 pre alloc handle is: 101259d {NAV REC} OpenDtvRecord :RecordPvrDtv.c:1020 svcname is:rec_svctx_tv RecordMgrAllocRecordInstance 192 alloc func is null RecordSchedulePvrInit 484 create timer success _nav_rec_dev_mgr_update_storage_status 719 e_nfy_id 0 get ui4_check_device_times(=60) from custom config. nav_rec_pvr.c:_nav_rec_pvr_model_init:1978 most check device 60 times. RecordSchedulePvr.c:RecordSchedulePvrSetDevChkTimes:499 _burning_mode_init Sucess [NAV CI] _ci_init Country: UKR {CACP}{info}[ sb_dvb_cp_eng.c][2197] {CACP}{info}[ _sb_dvb_act_source.c][ 146] Get the Lower and Higher band [50000000, 860000000], and delta frequency =714000! {CACP}{info}[ sb_dvb_cp_eng.c][2282] {CACP}{info}[ sb_dvb_cp_eng.c][ 402] New state: SB_DVB_COND_MON_WAITING {CACP}{info}[ sb_dvb_cp_eng.c][ 424] {CICP}{info}[ ca_svl_builder.c][ 278] open_builder:[hdl:0x101255b][tuner:tuner_ter_dig_0][svlId:5][delivery:6] {CACP}{info}[ sb_dvb_cp_eng.c][2143] {CACP}{info}[ sb_dvb_cp_eng.c][2197] {CACP}{info}[ _sb_dvb_act_source.c][ 146] Get the Lower and Higher band [50000000, 860000000], and delta frequency =4000000! {CACP}{info}[ sb_dvb_cp_eng.c][2282] {CICP}{info}[ ca_svl_builder.c][ 278] open_builder:[hdl:0x1012550][tuner:tuner_cab_dig_0][svlId:6][delivery:1] {CACP}{info}[ sb_dvb_cp_eng.c][2143] {CACP}{info}[ sb_dvb_cp_eng.c][2143] {CACP}{info}[ sb_dvb_cp_eng.c][2197] {CACP}{info}[ _sb_dvb_act_source.c][ 146] Get the Lower and Higher band [950, 2150], and delta frequency =3! {CACP}{info}[ _sb_dvb_act_source.c][ 196] [Phase2][10][1000000] {CACP}{info}[ sb_dvb_cp_eng.c][1558] The refered broadcast satl id is [7] {CACP}{info}[ sb_dvb_cp_eng.c][1561] [Phase2][0x0][0] {CACP}{info}[ sb_dvb_cp_eng.c][1574] [Phase2][0x1012542][7] {CACP}{info}[ _sb_dvb_act_storage.c][ 523] x_satl_open[7][ret:0] {CACP}{info}[ _sb_dvb_act_storage.c][ 585] {CACP}{info}[ sb_dvb_cp_eng.c][2282] {CICP}{info}[ ca_svl_builder.c][ 278] open_builder:[hdl:0x1012545][tuner:tuner_sat_dig_0][svlId:7][delivery:4] [DVBS SCAN MAPS] _dvbs_name_sorting_content_init ,dir:/basic/name_sorting/!!! [DVBS SCAN MAPS]Please input valid directory,dir:/basic/name_sorting/!!! sb_dvbs_check_flexiable_log_level:x_lol_get_rec_by_data_tag fail, i4_ret=-6, data tag=0 data length=0 {unknown_x_sb_eng.c} builder data is not ready [NAV CI]_ci_plus_init: reg_dt_nfy. [NAV CI]_ci_plus_init, g_h_dt is 0X01032522 {CACP}{info}[ sb_dvb_cp_eng.c][ 402] New state: SB_DVB_COND_MON_WAITING {CACP}{info}[ sb_dvb_cp_eng.c][ 424] [Nav ci][_ci_init]---- CI_GET_TYPE_SAS_OPEN_STATE, b_ci_plus_sas_open_state: 0 {CACP}{info}[ sb_dvb_cp_eng.c][ 402] New state: SB_DVB_COND_MON_WAITING {CACP}{info}[ sb_dvb_cp_eng.c][ 424] ci reg sbtl nfy. ci reg sbtl nfy, i4_ret:0 line [593]_translate_sbti_lang_2_acfg_lang lang is ukr. line [603]_translate_sbti_lang_2_acfg_lang end. line [593]_translate_sbti_lang_2_acfg_lang lang is eng. line [603]_translate_sbti_lang_2_acfg_lang end. line [593]_translate_sbti_lang_2_acfg_lang lang is ukr. (acfg_cust_misc.c,acfg_custom_misc_post_init,815) line [603]_translate_sbti_lang_2_acfg_lang end. line [593]_translate_sbti_lang_2_acfg_lang lang is eng. line [603]_translate_sbti_lang_2_acfg_lang end. ###### x_svl_reg_list_mode_chg_notify:0xb1495720. ###### x_svl_reg_ocl_scan_info_notify:0xb1495858. ######[a_mtktvapi_channellist_init][2315] register test nfy: ListModeChg=0xb1495720, i4_rc1=0, OclScanInfo=0xb1495858, i4_rc2=0 . MTKTVAPI_CHANNELLIST: ocl acfg register, i4_ret=0, ui2_acfg_id_CUST_BROADCAST_OCL=39. {TVAPI:CHLST} a_mtktvapi_concerncolumn_channellist_init:2086 start {TVAPI:CHLST} ui1_i =1,a_svl_ids[ui1_i] = 2... {TVAPI:CHLST} ui1_i =2,a_svl_ids[ui1_i] = 3... {TVAPI:CHLST} ui1_i =3,a_svl_ids[ui1_i] = 4... {TVAPI:CHLST} a_mtktvapi_concerncolumn_channellist_init:2101 end [DVBS SCAN MAPS] _dvbs_name_sorting_content_init ,dir:/basic/name_sorting/!!! [DVBS SCAN MAPS]Please input valid directory,dir:/basic/name_sorting/!!! sb_dvbs_check_flexiable_log_level:x_lol_get_rec_by_data_tag fail, i4_ret=-6, data tag=0 data length=0 {unknown_x_sb_eng.c} builder data is not ready {MTA_DA} ( a_mtktvapi_scan_dvbs_init) {DVBS_INFO} ( 8454)( dvbs_set) Register get info notification function Init multifeed: dvbc svl id=1001 handle=0x1012418, dvbs svl id=1002 handle=0x1012416 {} [FM][linux_lookup:2376] path = /3rd_rw/mh5n/NVMSTORE.dat, return No such file or directory [FM][x_fm_get_info_by_name:4412] return -6 {} [FM] linux_read_dir: line:3111, return No such file or directory CB2_InitLib OK! MTAUDDEC_RegCPUDECControlCbFunc have been called. input thread pid is 1415 tid is 1618 original scheduler policy 0 scheduler nice 0 original child scheduler policy 0 prio 0 new child scheduler policy 2 prio 99 Start to wait IR event... {MHEG5 SCT} sct_set_sbtl_cfg_info: b_old_sbtl_status = 1, pt_cfg->b_on = 0 {MHEG5 SCT} sct_set_sbtl_cfg_info: notify to engine sbtl setting changed. [BGM] BGM_state=2 [ACFG] _acfg_update_crnt_ch_info(fail) ch_id[-1], 1097 [ACFG] _acfg_update_crnt_ch_info() ch_id[-1],ch_key[-1], 1105 [_cfg_custom_speakers_update] Audio Out Port mask normal,no change. [SCC] x_scc_aud_set_output_port_ex:( h_aud = 0x010123F7 ui4_enable_mask = ffff [_cfg_custom_speakers_update] Audio Out Port mask normal,no change. [_cfg_custom_speakers_update]295,audio out 1, update the aud_out_mask 0xffff. a_cfg_update_dt_sync_mode() ui2_svc_lst_id=1 {REC} {SVCTX} ERR: [REC_HDLR] No running service request. (L1035) [ACFG] _acfg_get_dual_tuner_name(srial_no_get) i4_ret[-6],tuner_serial[0] [SCC] x_scc_aud_set_output_port_ex:( h_aud = 0x010323F7 ui4_enable_mask = ffff ONE_ROOF:_bgm_tpv_behavior_handle_msg() CALLED Received msg id == 13 BGM:_bgm_pre_shutdown_handle_msg() CALLED [_cfg_custom_speakers_update]295,audio out 1, update the aud_out_mask 0xffff. Enter next state by event 4 {_dfb_enable_layer}t_op.u.set_plane.i4_idx=1, b_enable=1 [Win_ID = 0]SVL_ID = 1, ui_tuner_type = 0, ui1_svl_lst_idx = 0 OAD: ===============State: power on check=============== Event:Enter current user option = 1 [nav ci] message received -- NAV_UI_MSG_POWER_ON Enter CI_SET_TYPE_POWERON! [MTCI0] MTCI0_PowerON : 0 WAKE_UP_REASON: 0x00000006 - 0x00000000 WAKE_UP_REASON: 0x00000006 - 0x00000000 [NAV_INPUT_SRC] Linux Power-On, don't need to select service XMIC: a_factory_set_registration, 1062 DIVX_DRM_51 menu_pm_page_create with ret:0 {unknown_ui.c} Return fail:ui.c:4386:-2 [MENU CI] _ci_page_create. [MENU CI] _ci_page_set_default_view_hdlr. [MENU CI] menu ci reg to middleware:menu_page_ci.c:702 {unknown_ui.c} Return fail:ui.c:4386:-2 {unknown_ui.c} Return fail:ui.c:4386:-2 {unknown_ui.c} Return fail:ui.c:4386:-2 menu_page_tree_subpage_item with ret:0 {SVL} {SVL} register every notify [svl_id: 0] failed. {SVL} Channelpump {SVL} open SVL [svl_id: 0] failed, i4_rc=-5. {SVL} {SVL} close handle [0] failed. ui4_page_antenna_type_selection create t_g_menu_dvbs_page_scan create t_g_menu_dvbs_page_scan create END menu_page_tree_add with ret:0 {unknown_ui.c} Return fail:ui.c:4386:-2 {unknown_ui.c} Return fail:ui.c:4386:-2 {unknown_ui.c} Return fail:ui.c:4386:-2 {unknown_ui.c} Return fail:ui.c:4386:-2 {unknown_ui.c} Return fail:ui.c:4386:-2 XMIC: _factory_init, 1219 XMIC: a_fact_parser_init, 352 XMIC: a_fact_parser_init, 376 c_iom_open reg uart nfy XMIC: a_fact_parser_init, 388 c_iom_open success XMIC: a_fact_parser_init, 409 c_iom_set set magic code success [FCT_LOGI] : [FCT] Call a_fac_svc_initialize at line:6343 [FCT_LOGI] : [FCT] Call _fac_svc_initialize at line:6010 [FCT] FactoryParserService Version : [ v2015.1117.0001 ] DRM key tool version : [ v2017.1207.0001 ] EEPROM size is 0xc0. a_drm_key_tool_write_RPMB_key return 0!!! /perm: total 48 -rw-r--r-- 1 0 1000 320 Jan 1 2017 PSTVK000 -rw-r--r-- 1 0 1000 148 Jan 1 2017 PSTVK001 drwxr-xr-x 2 0 1000 4096 Jan 1 2017 PSTVK003 -rw-r--r-- 1 0 1000 180 Jan 1 2017 PSTVK004 -rw-r--r-- 1 0 1000 916 Jan 1 2017 PSTVK010 -rw-r--r-- 1 0 1000 5140 Jan 1 2017 PSTVK013 -rw-r--r-- 1 0 1000 2228 Jan 1 2017 PSTVK014 drwxr-xr-x 2 0 1000 4096 Jan 1 2017 PSTVK015 -rw-rw-rw- 1 0 0 0 Jan 1 2017 RpmbCheckPass drwxrwxr-x 2 0 0 4096 Jun 27 2017 fw drwx------ 2 0 0 4096 Jan 1 1970 lost+found drwxr-xr-x 2 0 1000 4096 Jan 1 2017 widevine /perm/PSTVK003: total 24 -rw-r--r-- 1 0 1000 1700 Jan 1 2017 bgroupcert.dat -rw-r--r-- 1 0 1000 4452 Jan 1 2017 devcerttemplate.dat -rw-rw-rw- 1 0 0 2880 Jan 1 2017 keyfile.dat -rw-r--r-- 1 0 1000 84 Jan 1 2017 priv.dat -rw-r--r-- 1 0 1000 84 Jan 1 2017 zgpriv.dat /perm/PSTVK015: total 0 /perm/fw: total 0 /perm/lost+found: total 0 /perm/widevine: total 4 lrwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 14 Jun 27 2017 WVkeybox -> /perm/PSTVK004 -rw-r--r-- 1 0 1000 84 Jan 1 2017 rpmbkey [FCT_LOGI] : [FCT] Call _fac_svc_initialize at line:6105, will enter android mode _fac_svc_initialize run complete!!! ************************************************************************** FACTORY MODE START! ************************************************************************** # mount 3rdro Usage: mount -V : print version mount -h : print this help mount : list mounted filesystems mount -l : idem, including volume labels So far the informational part. Next the mounting. The command is `mount [-t fstype] something somewhere'. Details found in /etc/fstab may be omitted. mount -a [-t|-O] ... : mount all stuff from /etc/fstab mount device : mount device at the known place mount directory : mount known device here mount -t type dev dir : ordinary mount command Note that one does not really mount a device, one mounts a filesystem (of the given type) found on the device. One can also mount an already visible directory tree elsewhere: mount --bind olddir newdir or move a subtree: mount --move olddir newdir One can change the type of mount containing the directory dir: mount --make-shared dir mount --make-slave dir mount --make-private dir mount --make-unbindable dir One can change the type of all the mounts in a mount subtree containing the directory dir: mount --make-rshared dir mount --make-rslave dir mount --make-rprivate dir mount --make-runbindable dir A device can be given by name, say /dev/hda1 or /dev/cdrom, or by label, using -L label or by uuid, using -U uuid . Other options: [-nfFrsvw] [-o options] [-p passwdfd]. For many more details, say man 8 mount . [linux_get_filesystem_at_attach:3509] get /dev/mmcblk0p17 filesystem type. [linux_mount:1942] file_system_type = , e_fs_type = 18 [linux_check_filesystem_attr:3581] get /mnt/media_rw/sdcard filesystem R/W attr. [FM-Linux]Mount /dev/mmcblk0p17 to /3rd successfully. [FM](/dev/mmcblk0p17) is mounted to (/3rd) successfully(0) insmod: error inserting '/basic/modules/star_mac.ko': -1 File exists _nav_updater_oad_3rd_partition_status_nfy FS_PARTITION_3RD mounted. nav_updater_oad_trigger_update open file /upgrade/upgrade.pkg failed! {unknown_opera_hbbtv_util.c} OPERA_HBBTV_RES_MAIN_PIPE t_lock_type(OPERA_HBBTV_RECURV ) is not owned by OPERA_HBBTV_DVB ,current owner is OPERA_HBBTV_IDLE {unknown_opera_hbbtv_util.c} OPERA_HBBTV_RES_MAIN_PIPE t_lock_type(OPERA_HBBTV_RECURV ) is not owned by OPERA_HBBTV_STRM ,current owner is OPERA_HBBTV_IDLE {unknown_opera_hbbtv_util.c} OPERA_HBBTV_RES_MAIN_PIPE t_lock_type(OPERA_HBBTV_RECURV ) is not owned by OPERA_HBBTV_DVB ,current owner is OPERA_HBBTV_IDLE {unknown_opera_hbbtv_util.c} OPERA_HBBTV_RES_MAIN_PIPE t_lock_type(OPERA_HBBTV_RECURV ) is not owned by OPERA_HBBTV_STRM ,current owner is OPERA_HBBTV_IDLE insmod: error inserting '/basic/modules/ntfs.ko': -1 File exists insmod: error inserting '/basic/modules/mtk-hcd.ko': -1 File exists /etc/scripts/ line 103: syntax error near unexpected token `else' /etc/scripts/ line 103: `else' insmod: error inserting '/basic/modul[ 22.635226] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage es/mtk_mmap.ko': -1 File exists insmod: error inserting '/basic/modules/snd-mtk.ko': -1 File exists (dtv_svc_main.c,_print_for_tpv_automatic_tools,504,0) (dtv_svc_main.c,_print_for_tpv_automatic_tools,512,32) mount: mount point /proc/bus/usb does not exist [DM] usbfs mounted. @VERPM171E_R. @STARTUP_OK TPM171E_R. Echo to default ttyUSB0 /system/bin/[89]: can't create /dev/ttyUSB0: No such device or address /system/bin/[89]: can't create /dev/ttyUSB0: No such device or address @STARTUP_OK @VER TPM171E_R. No factory model (dtv_svc_main.c,_print_for_tpv_automatic_tools,533,-1) (dtv_svc_main.c,_print_for_tpv_automatic_tools,536,0) Disable the printk eth0 is unplug! Don't set PATH int main(int, char**) : config file path = /3rd_rw/internet_browser/browser_config.ini int main(int, char**) Enter file name /3rd_rw/internet_browser/browser_config.ini Calling -------> prof_load_profile load profile fail,return enable_log 0 /3rd/internet_browser/browser: unrecognized option '--remote-debugging-port=9222' /3rd/internet_browser/browser: unrecognized option '--dfb-explicit-double-buffer' /3rd/internet_browser/browser: unrecognized option '--with-feature:ooif-renderer-aware=off' /3rd/internet_browser/browser: unrecognized option '--hw-dfb' /3rd/internet_browser/browser: unrecognized option '--v8-cache-option=code--dfb-memory-limit-mb=100--dfb-compositor-memory-limit-mb=100' Enter file name /3rd/internet_browser/apps/hbbtv/bws_profile.ini Calling -------> prof_load_profile Current line is: [RESOLUTION] This line is SECTION_T! Calling -------> prof_get_section_name Current line is: width=1920 This line is KEY_T! Calling -------> prof_get_key_info Current line is: height=1080 This line is KEY_T! Calling -------> prof_get_key_info Current line is: This line is BLANKLINE_T! Current line is: [MOUSE_MODE] This line is SECTION_T! Calling -------> prof_get_section_name Current line is: enablemouse=0 This line is KEY_T! Calling -------> prof_get_key_info Current line is: This line is BLANKLINE_T! Current line is: [OSD] This line is SECTION_T! Calling -------> prof_get_section_name Current line is: use_2nd_osd=0 This line is KEY_T! Calling -------> prof_get_key_info Current line is: This line is BLANKLINE_T! Current line is: [BACKGROUND] This line is SECTION_T! Calling -------> prof_get_section_name Current line is: backgmed=0 This line is KEY_T! Calling -------> prof_get_key_info Current line is: This line is BLANKLINE_T! Current line is: [CHANGE_DFBLAYER] This line is SECTION_T! Calling -------> prof_get_section_name Current line is: change_dfb=1 This line is KEY_T! Calling -------> prof_get_key_info Calling -------> prof_get_key_string Calling -------> prof_get_prof_str_private Calling -------> prof_get_key_int Calling -------> prof_get_prof_str_private Calling -------> prof_get_key_int Calling -------> prof_get_prof_str_private Calling -------> prof_get_key_int Calling -------> prof_get_prof_str_private Calling -------> prof_get_key_int Calling -------> prof_get_prof_str_private Calling -------> prof_get_key_int Calling -------> prof_get_prof_str_private Calling -------> prof_get_key_int Calling -------> prof_get_prof_str_private Calling -------> prof_get_key_int Calling -------> prof_get_prof_str_private home page = , , width = 1920, height = 1080, mouseenable = 0, MimeType = 0, m_changeDFBlayer = 1 /3rd/browser_engine/ Please wait while Fontconfig updates its cache... /3rd/browser_engine/ The cache is up to date. cp: cannot stat `/3rd/internet_browser/jsplugins/': No such file or directory cp: cannot stat `/3rd/internet_browser/jsplugins/': No such file or directory change HBBTV to layer0!!! [CBwsAdapterImpl][IMPORTANT][CBwsAdapterImpl][341][1820]Enter [CBwsIpc]Enter,this = 0x3e7dc0 [Reset]m_pcPipeName=/tmp/opera_stub_controller_3e7dc0 [Reset]not exit and need to create [Reset]Pipe name: /tmp/opera_stub_controller_3e7dc0 [Reset]m_i4Pipefd=9 [CBwsIpc]Leave,this = 0x3e7dc0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][198][1820]send message successed! send_type =1, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_recv_msg][300][1872]recieve message successed! from_type =1, count=1 [CBwsAdapterImpl][IMPORTANT][Initialize][373][1872]Enter [CBwsAdapterImpl][CRITICAL][Initialize][401][1872]Using HARDWARE rendering backend ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| DirectFB 1.5.3 |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (c) 2001-2010 The world wide DirectFB Open Source Community (c) 2000-2004 Convergence (integrated media) GmbH ---------------------------------------------------------------- (*) DirectFB/Core: Multi Application Core. (Fri Aug 31 15:23:03 CST 2018) (*) Direct/Memcpy: Using libc memcpy() (*) Fusion/SHM: Using MADV_REMOVE ( >= (*) Direct/Thread: Started 'Fusion Dispatch' (-1) [MESSAGING OTHER/OTHER 0/0] <8388608>... (*) Direct/Thread: Started 'Fusion Deferred' (-1) [MESSAGING OTHER/OTHER 0/0] <8388608>... (*) DirectFB/MT53: DFB[vir=0xa7bd3000,phy=0x8875e000,size=0x1fa9000] (*) DirectFB/MT53: t_crsr[vir=0xa7bc9000,phy=0x88754000,size=0xa000] (*) MediaTek/Driver: Mapped shared command queue control structure to 0xa7bc8000 (*) MediaTek/Driver: Mapped DMA region to 0xa7b88000 (*) MediaTek/Driver: GFX_CmdQueInit( 0xa7bc8000, 0x44cf98 ) (*) DirectFB/Graphics: MediaTek 53xx 0.3 (Denis Oliver Kropp) (*) SaWMan/Config: Parsing config file '/linux_rootfs/etc/sawmanrc'. Initializing Opera (837fdadec7a8370ae3bc1fd1ba830e3e8cfe1826) [ pid = 1820 ] ... [STREAM][Mediabackend][CRITICAL] [bws time]: 1483228822 s 347635 us [UVA_RequestBackend][170][1875][SDK 4X]UVA_RequestBackend Enter type(0) [STREAM][Mediabackend][CRITICAL] [bws time]: 1483228822 s 350436 us [getSupportedMimetypes][1471][1875]Enter, this = 0x3d9700 [STREAM][Mediabackend][CRITICAL] [bws time]: 1483228822 s 350643 us [getSupportedMimetypes][1492][1875]Leave, this = 0x3d9700 [CBwsIpc]Enter,this = 0x3e78c0 [Reset]m_pcPipeName=/tmp/Browser_Surface_3e78c0 [Reset]not exit and need to create [Reset]Pipe name: /tmp/Browser_Surface_3e78c0 [Reset]m_i4Pipefd=57 [CBwsIpc]Leave,this = 0x3e78c0 [CBWSSurface][ERROR][SetOsdChangeFlag][2211][1872]SetOsdChangeFlag fgChange= 1 [CBWSSurface][ERROR][CreateForegroundSurface][281][1872]CBwsSurface::CreateForegroundSurface, w 1920, h 1080 [CBWSSurface][ERROR][CreateForegroundSurface][351][1872]set blit flag successed [CBWSSurface][ERROR][CreateForegroundSurface][398][1872]Got screen size 1920x1080 from DirectFB. [CBWSSurface][ERROR][CreateForegroundSurface][401][1872]get pixel format successed, 4295684 Amazon jsplugin_init Enter Amazon jsplugin_init Leave [CBWSSurface][ERROR][CreateForegroundSurface][406][1872]clear surface successed SetBounds successfully!! CBwsSurface::pMouseNormalIconPath(pMouseNormalIconPath = ) CBwsSurface::SetpMouseLinkIconPath(pMouseLinkIconPath = ) [Flingoplugin] Flingoplugin jsplugin_init for operasdk40 [Flingoplugin] Flingo_DeviceInfo_Setting write Flingo device info success! [Flingoplugin] Flingoplugin end of jsplugin_init for operasdk40 [Huluplugin] jsplugin_init [Huluplugin] end of jsplugin_init [CBwsAdapterImpl][IMPORTANT][_adapter_event_handler][212][1931]_adapter_event_handler, thread id 0x9c6cd450 [CBwsAdapterImpl][IMPORTANT][_adapter_event_handler][215][1931]create thread name: _adapter_event_ [CBwsAdapterImpl][IMPORTANT][_adapter_event_handler][217][1931]_adapter_event_handler, ident in thread tid is :1931 [CBwsAdapterImpl][IMPORTANT][OnDisplaySize][793][1931]Enter [CBwsAdapterImpl][CRITICAL][OnDisplaySize][797][1931]Display size received from browser: width=1920, height=1080 [PIMGR][ERROR] [bws time]: 1483228823 s 823863 us [vStrmMgr_Init][1648][1872]_PiMgr.pCaFile:/user_setting/ro/org.droidtv.nettvbrowser/httpscertpem.pem [PIMGR][ERROR] [bws time]: 1483228823 s 824154 us [vStrmMgr_Init][1670][1872]_PiMgr.pCaPath:/user_setting/ro/org.droidtv.nettvbrowser [PIMGR][ERROR][vStrmMgr_Init][1615][1820]Leave,vStrmMgr_Init, already inited [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][198][1820]send message successed! send_type =1, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_recv_msg][300][1872]recieve message successed! from_type =1, count=1 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][198][1820]send message successed! send_type =1, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_recv_msg][300][1872]recieve message successed! from_type =1, count=1 -> using layer context config (*) layer config size [960 x 540] (*) new config size [960 x 540] [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][174][1872]before send message send_type =0, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][181][1872]send message successed! send_type =0, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_recv_msg][265][1871]recieve message successed! from_type =0, count=1 [browser] Custom_Init enter [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][198][1820]send message successed! send_type =1, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_recv_msg][300][1872]recieve message successed! from_type =1, count=1 [CBwsAdapterImpl][IMPORTANT][PresetWindow][1577][1872]Enter [CBwsWindowList][CRITICAL][Create][84][1872]Create in WindowList i4uselessIndex = 0 [CBwsWindowList][CRITICAL][Create][92][1872]Create Window successed, handle = 5093376 CBwsWindowImpl Create:477 UserAgent info: -TPVision-43PUS610112--_TV_5596-, FVC/; TPM171E; ) [0101/] Initializing DSM-CC integration... *--------------) FusionDale v0.8.1 (--------------* (c) 2006-2007 ----------------------------------------------- (*) Direct/Thread: Started 'Fusion Dispatch' (-1) [MESSAGING OTHER/OTHER 0/0] <8388608>... (*) Direct/Thread: Started 'Fusion Deferred' (-1) [MESSAGING OTHER/OTHER 0/0] <8388608>... {HBBTV_DRM} info func:(x_hbbtv_drm_init): path:(/3rd_rw/hbbtv/drm_debug.txt) . FUNC:x_hbbtv_drm_init,LINE:830: x_hbbtv_drm_init: file(/3rd_rw/hbbtv/drm_debug.txt) not exist! skip setting the debug level FUNC:x_hbbtv_drm_init,LINE:858: {HBBTV_DRM} Init HBBTV drm!!! FUNC:x_hbbtv_drm_init,LINE:861: {HBBTV_DRM} reg drm prefix:urn:dvb:casystemid:,name:19188, engine:urn:dvb:casystemid:19188, drm type:0 FUNC:_hbbtv_drm_reg_drm_type,LINE:524: {HBBTV_DRM} reg drm prefix:urn:dvb:casystemid:,name:19219, engine:urn:dvb:casystemid:19219, drm type:2 FUNC:_hbbtv_drm_reg_drm_type,LINE:524: {HBBTV_DRM} ENABLE_INTERTRUST_SUPPORT init. FUNC:x_hbbtv_drm_init,LINE:947: {HBBTV_DRM} Req type name:application/vnd.marlin.drm.actiontoken+xml, req type:0 FUNC:_hbbtv_drm_reqister_req_type,LINE:609: {HBBTV_DRM} ENABLE_PLAYREADY_SUPPORT init. FUNC:x_hbbtv_drm_init,LINE:966: {HBBTV_DRM} Req type name:application/, req type:2 FUNC:_hbbtv_drm_reqister_req_type,LINE:609: {HBBTV_DRM} create drm msg queue FUNC:x_hbbtv_drm_init,LINE:1021: {HBBTV_DRM} create drm thread FUNC:x_hbbtv_drm_init,LINE:1034: {HBBTV_DRM} drm init success!!! FUNC:x_hbbtv_drm_init,LINE:1056: mtkDrmOpen,e_type = 0 start drmMarlinProcess thread [MtkMarlin]: >> indrmMarlinProcess PROCESS TYPE:4 [MtkMarlin]: Marlin personalization [MtkMarlin]: personalization file = res:// ; ==== Sushi Personalizer V1.0 ============================================= SDK API Version: SDK IMP Version: 1040300 SDK IMP BuilMTK_AllocateZeroMemory calloc:7d47eb00 size:20 d: 7464 SDK IMP Details: (c)MTK_AllocateZeroMemory calloc:7d 42005-2012 Intertrust Technolog7eb1c size:8 ies / Revision 7464 SKB_EnginMTK_AllocateMemory malloc:7d4850f0 MTKe_GetInstance: CB2_InitLib OK!_AllocateZeroMemory calloc:7d485368 size:56 SKB_Engine_CreateDataFromExporMTK_Allted: SKB_Engine_CreateDataFromocateMemory malloc:7d4850f0 MTK_AllocateZeroMemory calloc:7d485408 size:56 Exported: SKB_Engine_CreateDataFromExporteMTK_AllocateMemory malloc:7d4850f0 MTK_AllocateZeroMemory calloc:7d485118 size:24 MTK_AllocateZeroMemory calloc:7d485138 size:16 MTK_AllocateMemory malloc:7d485150 MTK_DataBuffer_SetData s2s dst:7d485150 d: SKB_Engine_CreateDataFromExMTK_AllocateMemory malloc:7d486478 MTK_AllocateZeroMemory calloc:7d485168 size:56 ported: SKB_Engine_CreateDataFroMTK_AllocateMemory malloc:7d4e3548 MTKmExported: _AllocateZeroMemory calloc:7d485208 size:24 MTK_AllocateZeroMemory calloc:7d485228 size:16 MTK_AllocateMemory malloc:7d4e4560 MTK_DataBuffer_SetData s2s dst:7d4e4560 [MtkMarlin]: Engine already personalized SKB_SecureData_Release: SKB_SecureData_Release: SKB_SecureData_Release: SKB_SecureData_Release: SKB_SecureData_Release: SKB_Engine_Release: [MtkMarlin]: ====================================================================== drmMarlinProcess e_ret = 0 {HBBTV_DRM} DrmCallback event = 2, handle = 1234, result = 0 FUNC:DrmCallback,LINE:692: {HBBTV_DRM} personalization OK FUNC:_hbbtv_drm_personalize,LINE:771: mtkDrmClose, e_type = 0 {HBBTV_DRM} -------marlinPersonalize end!-------- FUNC:_hbbtv_drm_personalize,LINE:776: [CBwsAdapterImpl][CRITICAL][initHbbtvIntegration][786][1872]browserInitBroadcast [HbbTV][ERROR][update_white_list_info][413][1872]int update_white_list_info():413 : open whitelist file failed [CBwsWindowList][CRITICAL][setSpatialNav][176][1872]setSpatialNav, Window handle = 0x4db800, Window = 0x4db800 [CBwsWindowList][CRITICAL][setWebSecurity][200][1872]setWebSecurity, Window handle = 0x4db800, Window = 0x4db800 [CBwsWindowList][CRITICAL][setEnableCertError][212][1872]setEnableCertError, Window handle = 0x4db800, Window = 0x4db800 [CBwsWindowList][CRITICAL][Resize][1052][1872]Resize, Window = 0x4db800, width*height = 1920 * 1080 isHbbtvWindowType: tType = 3 [CBwsAdapterImpl][PresetWindow][1667][1872]Notify Hbbtv window create done. [CBwsWindowList][CRITICAL][Init][249][1872]Init, Window handle = 0x4db800, Window = 0x4db800 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][174][1872]before send message send_type =0, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][181][1872]send message successed! send_type =0, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_recv_msg][265][1871]recieve message successed! from_type =0, count=1 HandleDtvMsg HandleDtvMsg: OPERA_HBBTV_BWS_MSG_LANG_CHG HandleDtvMsg: OPERA_HBBTV_BWS_MSG_LANG_CHG leave! file length is 1367 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][198][1820]send message successed! send_type =1, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_recv_msg][300][1872]recieve message successed! from_type =1, count=1 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][174][1872]before send message send_type =0, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][181][1872]send message successed! send_type =0, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_recv_msg][265][1871]recieve message successed! from_type =0, count=1 Hbbtv import new BBC Root CA ret (0) file length is 20 file length is 1773 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][198][1820]send message successed! send_type =1, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_recv_msg][300][1872]recieve message successed! from_type =1, count=1 [CBWSCertificateManagerImpl][ERROR][AddClientCert][581][1872]More than one nickname listed for created client certificate (names) Using the first one as ID [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][174][1872]before send message send_type =0, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][181][1872]send message successed! send_type =0, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_recv_msg][265][1871]recieve message successed! from_type =0, count=1 Hbbtv import LE client CA ret (0) [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][198][1820]send message successed! send_type =1, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_recv_msg][300][1872]recieve message successed! from_type =1, count=1 [CBwsAdapterImpl][IMPORTANT][SetDefaultBackgroundColor][2403][1872]Enter [CBwsAdapterImpl][IMPORTANT][SetDefaultBackgroundColor][2408][1872]set default background color, m_tBwsPreSetWindowInfo.m_cDefaultBackgroundColor = #000000 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][174][1872]before send message send_type =0, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][181][1872]send message successed! send_type =0, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_recv_msg][265][1871]recieve message successed! from_type =0, count=1 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][198][1820]send message successed! send_type =1, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_recv_msg][300][1872]recieve message successed! from_type =1, count=1 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][174][1872]before send message send_type =0, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][181][1872]send message successed! send_type =0, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_recv_msg][265][1871]recieve message successed! from_type =0, count=1 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][198][1820]send message successed! send_type =1, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_recv_msg][300][1872]recieve message successed! from_type =1, count=1 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][174][1872]before send message send_type =0, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][181][1872]send message successed! send_type =0, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_recv_msg][265][1871]recieve message successed! from_type =0, count=1 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][198][1820]send message successed! send_type =1, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_recv_msg][300][1872]recieve message successed! from_type =1, count=1 [CBwsWindowList][CRITICAL][SetTransparent][756][1872]SetTransparent, Window = 0x4db800 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][174][1872]before send message send_type =0, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][181][1872]send message successed! send_type =0, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_recv_msg][265][1871]recieve message successed! from_type =0, count=1 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][198][1820]send message successed! send_type =1, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_recv_msg][300][1872]recieve message successed! from_type =1, count=1 [CBwsAdapterImpl][IMPORTANT][SetDefaultBackgroundColor][2403][1872]Enter [CBwsAdapterImpl][IMPORTANT][SetDefaultBackgroundColor][2408][1872]set default background color, m_tBwsPreSetWindowInfo.m_cDefaultBackgroundColor = #000000 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][174][1872]before send message send_type =0, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][181][1872]send message successed! send_type =0, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_recv_msg][265][1871]recieve message successed! from_type =0, count=1 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][198][1820]send message successed! send_type =1, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_recv_msg][300][1872]recieve message successed! from_type =1, count=1 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][174][1872]before send message send_type =0, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][181][1872]send message successed! send_type =0, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_recv_msg][265][1871]recieve message successed! from_type =0, count=1 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][198][1820]send message successed! send_type =1, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_recv_msg][300][1872]recieve message successed! from_type =1, count=1 [CBwsAdapterImpl][CRITICAL][SetFontSetting][2801][1872]Setting font_family.default "Tioga" succeeded [CBwsAdapterImpl][CRITICAL][SetFontSetting][2818][1872]Setting font_family.fantasy "Tioga" succeeded [CBwsAdapterImpl][CRITICAL][SetFontSetting][2835][1872]Setting font_family.fixed "Letter Gothic 12 Pitch" succeeded [CBwsAdapterImpl][CRITICAL][SetFontSetting][2851][1872]Setting font_family.sans "Tioga" succeeded [CBwsAdapterImpl][CRITICAL][SetFontSetting][2868][1872]Setting font_family.serif "Tioga" succeeded [CBwsAdapterImpl][CRITICAL][SetFontSetting][2885][1872]Setting font_family.cursive "Tioga" succeeded [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][174][1872]before send message send_type =0, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][181][1872]send message successed! send_type =0, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_recv_msg][265][1871]recieve message successed! from_type =0, count=1 get network type error,assuming NO NETWORK CONNECTED [IPTV_UTIL] assume current network is ethernet [NW] a_nw_is_autoip, line is 4483, addr {_hndlr_a_mtktvapi_concerncolumn_channellist_register_callback 395} {_hndlr_a_mtktvapi_concerncolumn_channellist_register_callback 41} [6022] a_mtktvapi_listMode_update_register_callback:[fct:0x88cae4] [tag:-1672307760]. [6041] a_mtktvapi_ocl_scanInfo_register_callback:[fct:0x88cbc4] [tag:-1672307632]. ...... ...... {CI_glue}- PHYS_set_app_ready(TRUE) {SM-SCC} [SCC] _scc_vid.c:761 rm_set() fail return -16 mtktvapi_config_get_value: get CFG_POWER_WAKE_UP_REASON mtktvapi_config_get_value: u1_ret_val = 0 WAKE_UP_REASON: 0x00000006 - 0x00000000 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][198][1820]send message successed! send_type =1, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_recv_msg][300][1872]recieve message successed! from_type =1, count=1 [CBWSCertificateManagerImpl][ERROR][insert_cert_in_db][259][1872]Failed to decode Cert from package [CBWSCertificateManagerImpl][ERROR][AddCACert][382][1872]Failed to import CA certificate "" from file /user_setting/ro/org.droidtv.nettvbrowser/opcacrt6.p12 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][174][1872]before send message send_type =0, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][181][1872]send message successed! send_type =0, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_recv_msg][265][1871]recieve message successed! from_type =0, count=1 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][198][1820]send message successed! send_type =1, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_recv_msg][300][1872]recieve message successed! from_type =1, count=1 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][174][1872]before send message send_type =0, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_send_msg][181][1872]send message successed! send_type =0, count=0 [BrowserIpc][ERROR][ipc_recv_msg][265][1871]recieve message successed! from_type =0, count=1 [acfg_custom_video_update] [5584] ui2_cfg_rec =22 panelID 27 i2_clr_temp 2 R Gain 126 G Gain 127 i2_FRC=2,i2_HDR=0 [acfg_custom_video_update] [5584] ui2_cfg_rec =22 panelID 27 i2_clr_temp 0 R Gain 127 G Gain 127 i2_FRC=2,i2_HDR=0 WAKE_UP_REASON: 0x00000006 - 0x00000000 WAKE_UP_REASON: 0x00000006 - 0x00000000 WAKE_UP_REASON: 0x00000006 - 0x00000000 WAKE_UP_REASON: 0x00000006 - 0x00000000 WAKE_UP_REASON: 0x00000006 - 0x00000000 WAKE_UP_REASON: 0x00000006 - 0x00000000 {NAVIGATOR}